Same consistency in the gospel when Jesus mixed the dust he took from the ground with his saliva and placed it upon the eyes of the blind person he healed.” Breathing implied aspersion of saliva to molten the dust.

Imposition is so far the most biblical, consistent to the Genesis account of creation when Yahweh breathed upon the being he formed from the dust. In his latest admonition on the celebration of Ash Wednesday, Obispo Maximo Rhee Timbang expounds, “It is imposed on the forehead to symbolize the act of remembering, recalling and knowing which the function of the mind practically! It is imposed in the form of the cross, the symbol of Christ’s victory over sin, death, and mortality by his resurrection to new and eternal life.

Today is the beginning of the 40 days Lenten season and on our forehead is imposed molten ash moisture with the oil of catechumen with the priest reciting the formula, “Remember man that you are dust and to dust you shall return!” The Revd Eberson Pasilan imposed ash on the forehead of the Obispo Maximo on Ash Wednesday 2019 celebration in a chapel in Dumaguete Cityįebruary 26, 2020, Ash Wednesday.