Even if you do not need the browser cache of the user, make sure that you delete all of the cached files from your Mac. If you know you have lots of big and redundant files or applications that you don't need, delete them and put them in the recycle bin. The second step you should follow if you want to keep your Mac clean is to delete cached files. Step 5: Now input the documents and review the large files and delete them. Step 4: Here in the search attribute screen, tick mark the file extension and file size. Step 3: Now click on the dropdown menu and select Other. Step 1: Press the Command + F from the keyboard.

Follow the below-given steps to find out the document files and remove them from your Mac. The text document files consume more memory on your device as it contains pdf, images and presentation files. If your other storage is spread across all categories of macOS Sierra and higher, you can follow the solutions below to clean up your Mac and get rid of unnecessary files. If you are concerned about how much space you still have in your Mac computer, you can check the Mac computer usage folder to see how much space each category takes up, including items relating to it. Now that you know where the Other files are located, it is time to reduce their footprint on your Mac. Step 3: This is where your Other storage is located. Step 2: Then paste this command: ~/Library/Caches Step 1: Open the Finder and click on Go from the top menu. If you transfer your documents to iCloud, your hard drive will have less storage space and open the files stored on the Mac.

Old documents stored in iCloud (part of which is stored in the iCloud component shortcut icon) are stored on your Mac and the files are downloaded back on your Mac when they are opened. Over time, these files increase in size and block the Mac drive, which in turn reduces system performance. It is advisable to refrain from viewing files that you know have been deleted from the hidden library folder. The library directory contains most of the files that make up other categories of your Mac storage. Some files in the Other category may seem redundant or not important enough to delete. In most cases, the other category occupies the largest space in your Mac storage compared to other existing files in this category. psd, temporary files, doc, cache files, Disk images. In short, it consists of different types of files that do not fall into a specific storage category such as videos, photos, music, apps, emails, etc. The Other on Mac Storage contains various files such as documents, audio and video files. So take a look and find out the best solution to optimize the storage on your Mac.

In this article, we will give you all the information about What is Other on Mac Storage and How to Delete others on Mac. If you're looking for Other on Mac Storage then this guide is best for you.